Sunday, November 15, 2009

Week 8 : Fast forward to Laughter

I like to think of myself as easily amused - I love to laugh, and am rather good at just laughing at myself (....plenty of material to work with...). Maybe I was just having an off week - but this chapter gave me some startling realizations.

Day 1 and counting.... about 5 laughs

Day 2 remedial work needed: start by reading The Onion (- if this can't help me, I am really in trouble) immediate results - I burst over 25!!!

I also find myself laughing when I count the number I am on! (easily amused) and discover a book called Twitter wit - perfect for me.

Day 3: At 11 am have not yet laughed. Time to go to Onion. Moderate results.

See listing for free comedy night - Doubles as a chance to take a risk - I go to comedy night. Listen politely to 6 stand-up comics - I want to laugh, I really do....a few kind smiles....but then the 7th comic has the whole room in a roar. I know I went over 100 today. Note to self: see comedy shows!

Day 4: Not much all day...go to video store at night and rent Get Smart..absolutely zero laughs. I have a less than 5 total for the day

Day 5: I am back using The Onion as a crutch, but even this isn't working well.

By Day 6, I just don't want to count anymore.
Ok. I got it. I am humor deficient, and that is not good. I am letting the gravity of the situation take over.

This chapter made me realize how much I take for granted...and sometimes it seems as if everything that makes a rich life takes a determined effort. But I can assure that i want to laugh more than i have been laughing, and if that takes effort then it is absolutely worthwhile. I am actually thinking that I would like to take a comedy class.