Saturday, October 31, 2009

Week 6: stalled

This was a non-week for me (no video even). At times I felt like a schoolgirl who didn't do the homework and was starting to fall behind.

I'm still all knotted up about risk. Offering treats doesn't induce me to take risks, so that may be why this chapter fell flat. I want to push myself more, but just freeze up. I was trying on shoes the other day; my normal size, 9, was just too small. The 10 was wayyy too big - I needed a 9 1/2 (the store didn't have it). I need a 9 1/2 risk as well. The ones I take, temporarily valiant as they make me feel, are just too small - not risky enough. The ones I outline and try to coax myself into taking are too hard, I'm not ready. I need some just-the-right-size risks.


Pink Heels said...

I wouldn't beat yourself up about the level of risk that you are taking. It isn't a competition to see how far you can push yourself out of your comfort zone. It is more about the process and journey than the intensity. Honor yourself for what you have accomplished and enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

Be gentle with yourself.... sometimes it's risky simply to contemplate risks! You are not being graded... take your time, soak it in, and allow it to unfold at your own pace... many hugs!

Lexington said...

I think it is wonderful that you are exploring your relation to risk. Sometimes we just have to sit with things for awhile until they mesh better with our souls.